Scripture. There’s nothing as life-giving as God’s Word, and during my time in ministry, I’ve tried to apply “The Hand” illustration to making Scripture an everyday part of my life. 
If you haven’t heard of “The Hand” the premise is that each of these 5 practices gives you a strong “grip” on the Word of God, as if each of these represents one of your fingers (and thumb, of course):
1.       Hearing
2.       Reading
3.       Studying
4.       Memorizing
5.       Meditating
While I try my best to quote Scripture the most, I’ve also been encouraged and inspired by several quotes I’ve read in books or heard in sermons throughout the years. 
These don’t take the place of Scripture (obviously!) but these quotes have given me perspective, hope, and encouragement in my day-to-day life, and I hope they do the same for you wherever you are reading this from. 

Here are five of my favorite quotes:  

  1. We can make excuses or we can make a difference, but we cannot make both.  Craig Groeschel
  2. If we don’t quit, we win.  Al Purvis
  3. Testing always precedes promotion.  Kelly Stickel
  4. More often than not, being brave means doing it scared.  Michael Hyatt 
  5. People who blame things, don’t change things.  Andy Stanley

If you’re looking for some other great reads, don’t forget to check out my previous post: 3 of My Favorite Books – Have You Read Any of These?

What are some of your favorite quotes? I’d love to hear them – comment below! 

