So this is 40! (Yes it’s my birthday.) Since I’ve hit this ‘big milestone’ here are 40 reflections as I enter a new decade.

I hope some of these are useful to you.

  1. Don’t limit yourself by what you see. Your daily attitude is powerful. 
  2. Never underestimate the joy of an hour-long phone call with an old friend, especially if the phone call is unexpected.
  3. Friends really do come and go. Some come back. Some don’t. That’s OK.
  4. Long distance friendships can work – they just take some creativity.
  5. Keep in touch. Call. Text. Facebook message. Tweet. Have coffee. Meet for lunch. Whatever it takes, make the effort to stay connected!
  6. Listen with your eyes. It’s as effective as listening with your ears.
  7. Flowers bring me joy.
  8. Write thank-you notes. It takes so little time and is a great way to let someone know how much you appreciate them. Send one whenever you can.
  9. Learn to use a crockpot, and use it often. With all the meals I cook for groups, this is a lifesaver!
  10. Don’t let negativity get you down. You don’t need it in your life.
  11. You can make a difference or you can make an excuse, but you can’t do both.
  12. People will hurt you. Learn something from it, no matter how small.
  13. Look for the good in others. Always.
  14. Apologize, even if you weren’t wrong. In 40 years’ time, you’ll be happy you maintained your relationships!
  15. Not everyone will like you – keep dreaming and doing stuff anyways!
  16. Positivity is contagious. So choose life!
  17. Pay attention from whom you’re learning. Take advice from people you want to be like.
  18. Put down your phone. Life happens outside of social media.
  19. Multi-tasking isn’t as impressive as it sounds.
  20. Courage is not the absence of fear. 
  21. Buy a really good mascara. I never knew what I was missing until my sister convinced me to try Pur products. Now, to find one I love in Asia!
  22. Get your morning routine figured out. One of the most important parts of my day is my morning routine. Every day, I’m up by 6 am, read my Bible, pray & exercise. By getting up early and taking steps toward my goals, I put myself in the right mindset to be productive and make progress.
  23. Write things down: I always carry around my notebook wherever I am and write in it throughout the day.  It’s amazing the clarity and creativity it produces.
  24. God’s plan is greater than anything I’ve planned. He can take our lives and make something beautiful.
  25. There are a lot of people around who can’t wait to tell you what you’ve done wrong, but there aren’t many fathers willing to take the time and effort to help you grow up. Surround yourself with people that help you grow.
  26. It’s ok to say, “I don’t know”. The older I get the more I realize I have yet to learn so much and in actuality know so little.
  27. If Jesus needed early morning solace with God, how much more do I?
  28. What I do with God’s word determines how much of His plan and future I will experience.
  29. Be willing to give away what you lend. What you lend, will not always come back to you.
  30. Everyone ends up somewhere in life, but few end there on purpose.  We need to purposefully plan.
  31. When we spend our time focusing on what others think about us, we easily forget what God thinks about us.
  32. Regardless of how I feel, God will never leave me nor forsake me.
  33. Consistency and persistence win.  If I just don’t quit – I win.
  34. When things get frustrating, it is okay to take a step back, take a deep breath and start again.
  35. Do not settle in life. You are capable of more. Hard work pays off.
  36. Take care of your personal health. Sometimes you don’t pay enough attention to it.
  37. Go outdoors and experience nature.
  38. It’s easier to take a small action now instead of a big action “someday.”
  39. Successful people read books. Lots of them!
  40. You’ll never be good enough if you don’t define what great is.

If some of these items resonate with you, great; write them down, post them on social media, or share with a friend.

I encourage you to reflect and make a list of your own life lessons. Write them down. It’s amazing how many nuggets of wisdom you’ve learned in your lifetime.

What would you add to this? Comment below and let me know!

Here’s to turning 40!


P.S. Thanks for all the birthday messages! I love receiving them!