We all have cherished moments that we revisit over and over again in our minds’ eye. 

Moments that remind us of home. Moments that remind us of who we are.

For me, one such memory is Mom and her daily dose of tea.

For as long as I can remember, Mom had a special cup just for tea. And she kept special cups for each of us too! Our kitchen housed teacups of all shapes and sizes – each with its own story. 

Mom had her ways with tea, but most important was that it be served piping hot and enjoyed by all around.

So it’s only natural that I’m a social tea drinker. I drink heaps of it in the company of others. I’ve grown up loving and appreciating a good cup of tea!

When I travel, I love to try the teas that flavor the nations.

Here in India is no exception. Not only do they make amazing tea, it’s an integral part of culture.

If you walk in any local Indian district, you’ll find tea vendors with steaming pots of Chai (the national tea).

Chai is this delicious blend of tea infused with spices, milk and sugar. Spices like cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, and more. It’s joy and comfort in a cup.

The memories around our daily dose of Chai in India will fill my heart for years to come. Those who’ve shared in tea-time with me throughout the years, have forever left their influence in my life.

This is what happens across our platform in Asia: a friendly cup of tea becomes the birthplace of dreams, visions, comfort and joy. 

It’s the stories we share as we sip our Chai. It’s the encouragement we receive as we open our hearts in a simple cup of culture. 

Chai – It’s all these little moments that together carry you through not only your day, but a lifetime. It makes you pause, gently reminds you to slow down, and gives perspective.

Just one cup together empowers us and moves us ahead.

I hope one day we can share a cup together.

In the meantime, here is a video of us in India learning to make Chai. (For the record, our first attempt failed, but our second try was delicious!)

Try it at home or stick to what you know and brew your favorite pot of tea. 

While you’re at it, invite a friend to join in – you never know how much your cup of tea may imprint hope and inspire greatness in another.

What about you? Do you have a cherished habit you’ve carried into adulthood that connects you to others? Message me and let me know.  I’d love to learn from you!

From India,