Lest We Forget – Remembrance Day Resources

Lest We Forget – Remembrance Day Resources

Next week, we make time to remember veterans and the sacrifice of those who fought in various wars.  I’ve already started talking about this with my children.  I’m seeing their amazement as they consider the cost of our freedoms.
If you are looking for some ways to bring that into lessons or activities with your family, here are some of the sites I’ve referenced with my kids:

This page is full of Remembrance Day videos:

This page is full of Remembrance Day videos:

Postcards for Peace.  This is a pretty neat idea.  Not sure if we’ll do it from here, but came across it and thought you might like it:  https://www.veterans.gc.ca/eng/remembrance/classroom/postcard-for-peace

Plus we read LOTS of good books. In Flander’s Field is a classic we’ve already read this week.

Hopefully this gives you some helpful resources to use as we head into this Remembrance season.


This is exactly what we’ve been praying for!

This is exactly what we’ve been praying for!

We’re thrilled to share this with you: our foundation license is approved!

We’re doing one big happy dance over here!!!

From community projects, to hiring staff, receiving missionaries and issuing work permits, this license is a wide-open door to ministry in Thailand.
After several years of paperwork, the process is complete! We are now a registered branch of World Ministry Foundation with the government of Thailand!!!

This is GOOD news! Praise God!!
The next step – we need to hire staff. 
We need to hire a government liaison to act as a representative with local government officials and keep all necessary paperwork in order.
After that, we can expand our team.

We are praying for:

  • 4 full-time Thai staff
  • 4 interns
  • 5 missionaries/couples/families

If you’ve ever felt like victory was nowhere in sight, we understand.  It took years to get this license. Years!  But though the vision tarries – wait for it!

Opposition is just part of the process.

It can be hard, but I want to encourage you this week –– keep moving forward. And know that we are praying for YOU!


Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!

How are you doing? I hope you have an amazing weekend!

As for us, much of our time goes to producing the weekly livestreams and VABC classes right now, plus we get to re-open the church to in person gatherings October 18th

For Thanksgiving, we’ll have chicken and pumpkin pie for lunch, then go swimming in the afternoon with friends…I’m excited already…I haven’t had pumpkin pie since Christmas!!!

But before Monday arrives, we wanted to take a moment to let you know we are so grateful for you.  What a blessing to have such an amazing community of family and friends!

Not only is your support reaching into Southeast Asia, but you’re giving a group of students the opportunity to rise to their destinies!  So incredible! 

Thank you!

Have a great weekend & Happy Thanksgiving!


What have we been doing during quarantine?

What have we been doing during quarantine?

Admittedly we were a bit disappointed that we couldn’t launch some of the things we had planned for 2020 but we’ve certainly been making the most of the opportunity. For example, we’ve:

  • Strengthened relationships with local leaders.
  • Created several resources that will enable us to serve the people of Thailand better.
  • Held live, online Bible studies that allowed us to stay connected with people –– in fact, many non-Christians attended these virtual sessions by invitation of their friends!
  • Upgraded our media equipment to reach the nations with the good news of freedom in Christ.
  • Written curriculum, recorded, & edited classes for Victory Asia Bible College.

If anything, this season has empowered us to be more creative about getting the Gospel out to this community and we still have big plans for 2021.

What about you?  What has this year been like?  Write me and let me know how we can pray for you!


3 evangelism strategies that no one really talks about

3 evangelism strategies that no one really talks about

When we hear the word “evangelism” it’s easy to think about sharing Christ as a thing to “do” rather than a way of life.
I get it, I’ve been there. 
Often times, witnessing becomes an “event” and we forget that our daily interactions can also shine the way to Jesus. You know, sometimes we make events out of passing out tracts, or going into city streets or shopping malls to pray for people, or even put together special services to invite friends to church.
While all of those things are helpful, as we’ve served in Hua Hin we’ve quickly discovered many additional ways of sharing Christ with those around us. I thought some of these might be helpful to you:

  1. Invite friends over for a meal.
  2. Recommend a book or movie with Christian themes and follow up with an invitation to discuss it over coffee.
  3. Simply being in the right place at the right time to share your life with others.

What are some ways you’ve shared Christ with others? I’d love to know — perhaps they would help us where we serve now. Send me a message and let me know!

Renée Treeyanon

P.S. If you would like to sow a special seed with this ministry, it’s easy to do so.  You can give via eTransfer to admin@wmcontinuum.com, by phone at 403-380-3352 or online here. Please be sure to indicate your donation is for ‘the Treeyanon’s Thailand mission’.