Freedom isn’t always free

Freedom isn’t always free

Yesterday our family celebrated Canada Day. Consequently, we wore red and white, ate foods of those same colors (yes, you read that right) and celebrated the awesomeness of Canada.

In a few days it’s Independence Day for our American friends. 

It’s completely natural that in July we think about the concept of freedom…
There’s a saying that freedom isn’t always free and I think that’s mirrored very strongly in Scripture. Jesus paid the ultimate price.
And if Jesus paid the ultimate price for each of us, that means each of us is infinitely valuable: INCLUDING YOU. 
So just a friendly reminder: you are valued, valuable, and a masterpiece. SOMEONE paid a valuable price for you. 
Happy July!

P.S. Please pray for our ministry team and media equipment.  We are believing to expand and enlarge our ministry, especially during this time of advancing the kingdom!

Lessons from Dad

Lessons from Dad

For as long as we can remember, Dad was the first one up in the morning. 
His breakfast staple: 2 eggs with toast and a cup of coffee. Then he’d dash to work before any of us could catch up.  
At some point in time, we joined him for breakfast…it wasn’t hard to convince him to make us eggs too. 
And so became the breakfast norm!
Today, all the grandkids fondly look forward to ‘Grandpa Eggs’ because no one else knows how to make eggs just like Grandpa!
I’m grateful for my dad and the impact he makes in my life.  Although, he’s not perfect, what he taught me still influences me today.

As we approach Father’s Day,  I’d like to share with you some of the things he taught me. I hope they bless you as much as they’ve guided me around the globe!

Here they are.  Lessons from Dad:

When you borrow something, always return it in better condition than when you received it.

Always help a neighbor in need.

Don’t seek revenge, but rather stay honest in your actions.
Be generous, even in difficult times. 
Always tell the truth. 
Always be on time.
Keep your word even when it costs you.
Do what is right – even when no one is watching.
Work hard and don’t make excuses.
Always speak the best of others, expecting to see the good in them.

I’m amazed at how well those lessons have served me everywhere I go! 

Praise God for dads!

Have a blessed Father’s Day, and if there’s anything I can come alongside in prayer with you, please write me back or comment below!

Happy Father’s Day!

To Our Partners

To Our Partners

Aua and I are presently pastoring the church in Hua Hin, producing our weekly Livestream, and homeschooling our kids.

And we couldn’t do this without you – we’re amazed by the love you show us.

We’ve ministered together as a family in Asia since 2004. During that time, you believed in us, partnered with us, & prayed for us. Together we are a part of a ministry that trains leaders & mobilizes them into ministry across Asia.

To all of our partners – we send a big thank you!!

If you’ve only met us recently, or our family is still new to you, our heart remains the same: we will reach and train disciples who will make more disciples of Asia’s billions – and we thank God for your partnership in this amazing ministry!

We are so glad we have a friend like you!

Much love & God bless you!
Aua & Renee Treeyanon

**If you haven’t seen our website or YouTube channel, click the links below.  Those sites are full of inspired reports and stories of what God is doing through your partnership today!**

For our blog, click here

For our YouTube channel, click here

How to thrive during lockdown

How to thrive during lockdown

How is quarantine going for you? 
We are on day 20 or 22 in Thailand of staying at home (lost count) and all is well at our house.
With so many people staying at home, it can be overwhelming. No one knows how long life will be like this.

In the meantime, I thought I’d share some of the resources from here to help you out during this time.
May you find this list helpful. I hope you are staying healthy and happy too. 

Here’s the list:

Productivity tips so you don’t binge-watch the news or Netflix all day:

Travelling tips for those still trying to get home:

And finally, daily doses of inspiration from around the world:

I’ve also uploaded some videos about the ministry here in Asia and what we do.  Check them out below, and if you enjoy them, please subscribe to our YouTube channel for more.

Enjoy your week! Stay healthy and safe!


The message of the cross

The message of the cross

Easter greetings!  It’s a time of new life, redemption, new beginnings, a day of resurrection and more!

While Easter 2020 might look different for you than in years past, I pray the message of the cross is just as powerful to your family as ever!

May this be a time of reflection of the price Jesus paid, as well as a tremendous time of rejoicing for all the freedoms we have!  

And boy do we have plenty to be thankful for!

A time of thankfulness for

  • those who are faithfully serving our countries worldwide that we might have health
  • those providing access to clean water, food and sanitation services
  • those behind the scenes keeping our countries in motion in a race against Covid-19

And so much more!  At my house, this list goes on and on! 

What about you?  What are you thankful for this Easter?  I’d love to hear from you!
From our family to yours, Happy Easter!