10 Of My Closely Guarded Secrets…

10 Of My Closely Guarded Secrets…

Summers are always a great time of the year: graduations, retreats, mission trips. So much of my formation happened in the summer – and so did a lot of FUN.

People often forget that serving God should be fun. No matter what we do – whether we’re working our jobs, raising our families, growing our businesses, or serving in ministry – His joy is supposed to be our strength.

So much of what’s out there these days lacks personal connection. Most people are simply afraid to really be themselves. I thought I’d have a little fun with this update, put away the polish, and share another side of me and the work we do in order to prove I’m not a robot that stays locked away working all day.

Here are 10 of my own quirks, habits, and closely guarded secrets…

1. I have a HUGE family with plenty of fun relatives! If you’ve ever seen the movie “My Big Fat Greek Wedding” you’ll get an idea of what our family gatherings are like. Loud. Crazy. And I wouldn’t change it for a second.

2. I take a notepad and pen everywhere I go. In the car, by my nightstand, at my desk. You never know when a great idea is going to strike. I’ve filled countless notebooks with sermon ideas, quick prayers, and to-do lists to last me an entire lifetime.

3. I love waking up to the smell of coffee brewing – nothing says good morning better. But truth be told, I don’t actually like coffee.  In fact, I can’t stand coffee in any shape or form.  

4. I loved climbing trees when I was little … in addition to building forts in woodpiles, and swimming at the creek. 

5. I feel happiest when I’m living in my passion. And two of my biggest passions are sharing the gospel and spending time with family. 

6. If I could get rid of just one thing – it would be the need for sleep. I’m always wishing for more hours in the day.

7. I like the small-town life. I grew up on our family farm in Ponteix, SK.  Although I live in the city now, there’s nothing like the wide-open spaces and fresh air that only the prairies can provide. 

8. I guard my emotions like a hawk. It’s incredibly hard to break through my shell but I’m eternally grateful to the people who have. 

9. I’m really good at waking up early without an alarm.  I grew up on the farm, getting up early doing chores before going to school. And I liked it.  The early-morning hours are my favorite time of day.  That being said, I crave sleep and my bed by 8:30 p.m. at night!

10. I think ‘Being Yourself’ is one of the biggest keys to living a Godly life. When you’re honest about yourself and who you are, it gives you a starting point to let God in.

Okay, I’m headed back work but I’d love to hear a bit about you! Here’s to summer fun. 

Have a great week!


Looking Ahead and 3 Personal Goals for 2019 (Can You Relate?)

Looking Ahead and 3 Personal Goals for 2019 (Can You Relate?)

If you’re anything like me, goal-setting is a mixed bag. There are a lot of good goal-setting frameworks out there, but they’re also easy to get tired of.

One of the things I’ve done recently to set better goals is write down all of my one year goals and then rank the top 4. Then, I ask myself 4 follow-up questions for each goal. I write this down in a journal (and on my computer for easy reference) so I can access it quickly.

Here are the 4 follow-up questions as well as a few of my own personal goals for the coming year:

1. Why do you want to accomplish this goal?

2. What is the pain you will feel if you don’t accomplish this goal?

3. What is the pleasure you’ll get from accomplishing this goal?

4. How will accomplishing this goal contribute to others?

Now, without any further ado here are some of my goals for the coming year:

#1. Make exercise and healthy eating part of my lifestyle

Why? Ministry is very demanding on every front: spiritually, emotionally, intellectually, and physically. But I am more than my ministry in the same way that you are more than just your job. 

To that end, I’ve found that I just don’t have a lot left in the tank at the end of the day. I don’t want to give my loved ones the “leftovers” of my day so I’m really committed to making exercise and healthy eating a part of my lifestyle. 

That means I work out to videos four to five days per week. These workouts don’t require expensive gym equipment, and I can do them almost anywhere which is especially great because of the travel we do.

When it comes to food, I’m cutting down on iced tea and upping my fruits and veggies.  It may sound simple, but I know the difference it makes in my energy levels! So I’m stickin’ to it!

#2. Make our family an example family.

Why?  Because not enough families are winning in life.  We have an awesome family and I want to take the time to really foster the relationship between Aua & I and our children.  

In a country where minor wives are common and fatherless families abound, I want our family to be one that people can look to and emulate.

Aua already has ‘Daddy dates’ with the kids one night weekly.  He spends one on one time with one of our children that night.  But now we’re upping our game.  We’re starting family night.  This will happen Monday nights.  Others are welcome to join us, but we’re carving out this time so the kids know – it’s time for our family to spend together growing as a family. 

#3. Make our marriage stronger

Why?  Life can get busy.  If we don’t decide what we’ll focus on, what is urgent will take precedent over what’s important.

I’ve made lots of excuses over the years for not carving out enough time for our marriage.  You’ve probably heard some of them:  We don’t have a sitter.  We’re just so busy.  There isn’t enough time.  We spend enough time together as it is.  And the list goes on.

But 2019 will be different. This may sound like a small goal for you, but it’s actually a big one.  In 2019, I will go out for a meal or coffee or a movie (basically a date with Aua) the first Sunday of each month.  Now my secret’s out – I’d best go tell Aua!

So, those are some of my goals for the upcoming year. I hope the 4 questions I shared earlier add value to your goal-setting process. On that note, I’d love to hear some of your goals for the coming year.

Question: Do you have any goals for the upcoming year, or a particular method to goal setting? Comment below and let me know.

It’s Our Anniversary!

It’s Our Anniversary!

This week, Aua and I celebrate our 14th wedding anniversary.  (Which is an accomplishment considering the average American marriage ends before its’ 9th year!)

Today I’d like to share with you 14 things I’ve learned from 14 years of marriage that I hope will inspire you. Here’s to the next 14 years of bliss.

Hope you find these useful:

1. Learn to listen. Often the best communicators are the best listeners.

2. How we interact with one another is a reflection of our maturity.

3. Smile! Your smile changes everything –  it costs you nothing, and you can give it to anyone.

4. Offense is poison. Forgive and get better.

5. Treat people the way you’d like to be treated.

6. Potential is useless unless you do something with it.

7. Success is progressive, not immediate.  It’s daily acts of faithfulness that get results.

8. Crisis doesn’t build community, it reveals it.

9. As a man thinks, so he is. Change your thinking, change your life.

10. Instead of complaining about something, find a way to make change happen.

11. If we don’t quit – we win!

12. How you handle the wilderness determines how you receive your inheritance.

13. Life has no rewind button. Replaying yesterday causes us to miss out on today’s possibilities.

14. Be thankful, and express it often!

Thanks for being part of our family and letting us be part of yours.