How far do your donations to missions go?

How far do your donations to missions go?

How far do your donations to missions go? 

All the way to India this week!
Today we’re off to India to teach at Team Leadership College International for two weeks.
Not only is your support reaching one of the most overcrowded nations of the world, but you are giving a group of young Indians the opportunity to rise to their destiny. Wow!

When we return to Thailand, we have a stopover at the Bible College in Sriracha.  After that, we’re headed to Hua Hin to prepare for upcoming water baptisms.  While we’re away, Becky Watson is at the helm in Hua Hin over the weekend teaching on prayer.
Thanks for helping make it all possible.
Aua & Renee Treeyanon

P.S. Need prayer for anything?  Write me and let us know!  We’d love to pray for you.

5 Takeaways From The 7 Weeks in Asia Team

Recently Aua and I were able to host the 7 Weeks in Asia Youth Missions Team in Hua Hin.

There were 10 people on the team, and this was our second opportunity to experience the “7 Weeks Tribe” in action in Hua Hin.

Like last year, having the youth with us was once again a truly fantastic experience.

The brilliance, drive, kindness, and creativity of the students was astounding. We were privileged to meet incredible teens from around the world. Click here, to listen to team devotions time. 

One of the great privileges that Aua and I share is to steward the teams and people – like the 7 Weeks team – who visit us in Hua Hin.  It’s often in those God encounters that the best lessons are learned.

There was so much great outreach that happened during their time here. Here are just some of my takeaways from time with the team:

1. It takes a village.  So much goes on behind the scenes to successfully host a team like this. I am so thankful for the volunteers, partners & youth for their hard work and dedication to make this happen! There are also so many people who lent a hand with whom none of this would be possible, so on behalf of all of us in Hua Hin, we extend a big thank you!

2. Travel is fun but sometimes caution is needed. One Sunday after church, the team headed out for a walk on the beach before lunch.  Unknown to them, they picked a rather precarious part of the beach to tread. Half the team came home with feet full of slivers.  The rest of the afternoon was filled with teamwork and tears as we proceeded to remove all the slivers.  I’m sure the beach walk story will be heard throughout many conversations in the months to come.

3. Inspire people to do and be more.  I can’t tell you how many times the team was pushed outside their comfort zone, yet every time they rose to the challenge. As a result, we saw hundreds of kids ministered to in schools, a deaf woman’s hearing restored, and another come to know Christ, plus we even were honored to name a baby at the hospital. Had the 7 Weeks Team not kept pushing forward, they would have missed out on so much – and it’s clear this city would have too!

4. People will give up what they want for what is familiar. The youth came to Asia to experience Summer with a purpose, but swap out spaghetti for Thai food and it became their favorite meal of the week. So as leaders, it’s our job to remind people of their purpose and help them remember their identity!

5. Friendships make you healthier and more effective.  Alone, we can do some good; but together, we go further faster.  When we combine our time, talents & charisma not only do we accomplish great things, but we have great fun doing so!

One Final Thought:
Hosting a team is very different than setting out on a journey with one. While it’s true a lot of hard work was involved, we also have experiences that others normally wouldn’t.

One of the highlights of my experience was witnessing the growth taking place in the youth as well as the church.

I always go out of my way to connect with others, but this team was special. They truly were sweet! Between their singing and servant hearts – they melted me from day one. Our family had a blast with this team.  They tested us and brought out the best in us. I’m still exhausted from hosting them and may or may not have taken three naps already this week.  {yes I know it’s only Wednesday}.  But I’d have them all here again! It was an honor and a privilege for them to choose to come to Hua Hin and we’re grateful.

Perhaps you are where you are for a purpose, too. My advice to you: don’t look for a significant place to serve, rather make where you serve significant.

From Thailand,
Renée Treeyanon