It’s no secret.  Throughout my years in Asia, I’ve travelled a lot!  As we gear up for Christmas, I thought I’d share with you some of the top things I do before a flight. Whether a short or long-haul flight around the world, here’s some prep you can do to make your journey that much better.  (By the way, I hop on a plane in less than a week!)
This is what I always do before a flight. Follow these tips too and you’ll be in fine form for travel:
A month before you fly: Check that your passport is in order.  When does it expire?  Do you have the necessary visas you need for travel?
A week before take-off: Make several copies of any significant id; such as your passport, immunization record & driver’s license.  Give a copy to a friend for safe keeping and pack another separate from your originals.

The day before flying: Double check your carry-on to make sure it has all the essentials:  an extra change of clothes, relevant id, travel information, a small toiletries kit and plenty of snacks…flying would not be the same without chocolate. 

Hours before you board: Drinks lots and lots of water.  Stay hydrated.  I drink insanely large amounts of water before flying.  Air travel can cause dehydration, so it’s best to prepare ahead of time!

Before you take off: Set your watch to the current time of the destination. That way, when you deplane at your destination carry on as if you live in your arriving country or province.

In flight: 

Avoid eating every meal attendants serve. When we eat heavy meals every few hours we confuse our digestion process and end up with a bloated stomach.

As you settle into your seat, fasten the sticker ‘do not disturb’ on your headrest. That way you can get some good sleep and avoid the temptation to eat all the meals provided.

Drink water -not sugary juices- every 4 to 5 hrs. Keeping hydrated is most important.

What about you? Do you have any pre-flight tips that serve you well? Comment below and let me know. I’d love to learn from you!
As I mentioned at the beginning of this letter, I’m headed on a long-haul flight within the week.  If you’d like to connect, please message me.  I’d love to get together.

Talk soon,

PS – special thanks to Papa Mervyn for contributing the last four tips!