This week, Aua and I celebrate our 14th wedding anniversary.  (Which is an accomplishment considering the average American marriage ends before its’ 9th year!)

Today I’d like to share with you 14 things I’ve learned from 14 years of marriage that I hope will inspire you. Here’s to the next 14 years of bliss.

Hope you find these useful:

1. Learn to listen. Often the best communicators are the best listeners.

2. How we interact with one another is a reflection of our maturity.

3. Smile! Your smile changes everything –  it costs you nothing, and you can give it to anyone.

4. Offense is poison. Forgive and get better.

5. Treat people the way you’d like to be treated.

6. Potential is useless unless you do something with it.

7. Success is progressive, not immediate.  It’s daily acts of faithfulness that get results.

8. Crisis doesn’t build community, it reveals it.

9. As a man thinks, so he is. Change your thinking, change your life.

10. Instead of complaining about something, find a way to make change happen.

11. If we don’t quit – we win!

12. How you handle the wilderness determines how you receive your inheritance.

13. Life has no rewind button. Replaying yesterday causes us to miss out on today’s possibilities.

14. Be thankful, and express it often!

Thanks for being part of our family and letting us be part of yours.