Wherever you are in the world today, it is likely that your neighborhood is learning how to respond & adapt to the Coronavirus pandemic.

Surrounded by so much uncertainty, and social distancing, it’s easy to become fearful & reactive, but we can have a different mindset.

In the midst of it all, we do not need to fear because our peace does not come from our circumstances.  Jesus bore the cost of your peace, so you can walk with peace of mind – free from all mental stress: depression, anxiety, fear and worry.

As a church, we need to continue bring the peace of the Gospel to those around us.  But how do we do that?  I mean the church down the road put up a sign and said church is closed.  Should that be our response? It doesn’t have to be.

How do we continue to reach out with the light of Jesus, when all around us it can seem so dark?

I’d love to hear how you’re adapting during this time, just comment below and let me know.

Here’s a bit of what we’re doing for our community:  

First, we decided to move our church service ONLINE.

Our “normal things” (like church services, Lifegroups, discipleship classes) can’t continue as normal.  With new government regulations in place, our public social gatherings must change.

We are doing this week by week, but we could still be doing this for quite a few months. 

In all honesty, this is not ideal. But this is the current reality.  We’ve heard it before.  ‘We are the church, not the building.’  So let’s do it!

If people are in their homes, we will reach them in their homes. And we need your help to do it.

Would you consider giving a special donation to help us reach Thailand ONLINE?

Right now we’re taping with my Iphone 7.  A real camera would be a HUGE game changer.  Here’s the list of the equipment we plan to buy. We’ve had a vision for this for a long time.  We researched and compiled this list last year. Now is the time to take action.

Have a look at what we need.  Let me know if you can help us purchase something on this list.  We are pouring our hearts into this!

Join us as we make disciples and raise up leaders in Thailand.

And Second, we’re creating a daily online coffee time.

It will be a place for our community to check into daily to encourage each other.  People can join for a few minutes or the whole hour ONLINE…sure it can’t replace face to face socials, but it will certainly help out!

We may be less mobile than usual, but praise God for the internet! That’s where we shine. We CAN do this! Keep dreaming. Maybe re-invent some of your old dreams.

Use this season as a catalyst to create something even better!

Have a great weekend and I’ll touch base again soon!
