Easter greetings!  It’s a time of new life, redemption, new beginnings, a day of resurrection and more!

While Easter 2020 might look different for you than in years past, I pray the message of the cross is just as powerful to your family as ever!

May this be a time of reflection of the price Jesus paid, as well as a tremendous time of rejoicing for all the freedoms we have!  

And boy do we have plenty to be thankful for!

A time of thankfulness for

  • those who are faithfully serving our countries worldwide that we might have health
  • those providing access to clean water, food and sanitation services
  • those behind the scenes keeping our countries in motion in a race against Covid-19

And so much more!  At my house, this list goes on and on! 

What about you?  What are you thankful for this Easter?  I’d love to hear from you!
From our family to yours, Happy Easter!