Aua and I are presently pastoring the church in Hua Hin, producing our weekly Livestream, and homeschooling our kids.

And we couldn’t do this without you – we’re amazed by the love you show us.

We’ve ministered together as a family in Asia since 2004. During that time, you believed in us, partnered with us, & prayed for us. Together we are a part of a ministry that trains leaders & mobilizes them into ministry across Asia.

To all of our partners – we send a big thank you!!

If you’ve only met us recently, or our family is still new to you, our heart remains the same: we will reach and train disciples who will make more disciples of Asia’s billions – and we thank God for your partnership in this amazing ministry!

We are so glad we have a friend like you!

Much love & God bless you!
Aua & Renee Treeyanon

**If you haven’t seen our website or YouTube channel, click the links below.  Those sites are full of inspired reports and stories of what God is doing through your partnership today!**

For our blog, click here

For our YouTube channel, click here